Category: Fishing

Common Ground Fishing Club’s Annual Outting

  This fall’s version of fishing club! It was a delightful fall morning for the outing. Everyone caught fish, probably had a per person of about 8 fish! No really big ones, but lots of fun. A shout out to Victor for picking up a bunch of students at school this morning and to Carla …

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Striped Bass Fishing on the Housatonic River

Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis) in droves!

A Public Message for the People.

Damage to the Farmill River watershed by the Shelter Ridge project?

Common Grounds High School Angler’s Club in Action!

Photos from the latest fishing expedition from CGHS Angler’s Club.

Your Environmental Connection. CT DEEP.

DEEP periodically sends municipal officials and the business community an electronic newsletter containing important information on current topics of interest. Below is the latest edition of this newsletter, “Your Environmental Connection.” We invite you to subscribe to this and any of our other newsletters.
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