Category: RockEdge News

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Hawk and Prey

An outstanding photo of opportunity taken in Connecticut by a friend of the FmRA.

A Public Message for the People.

Damage to the Farmill River watershed by the Shelter Ridge project?

aquariumOutdoor Aquarium Water Chiller.

[hgallery3 id=”926,927,930,943,945″ render=”smoothgallery”] Aquarium water chiller unit installed outdoors. Using scraped ice from a local ice rink and the cold outside temperatures to regulate the tank water to 50-52 degrees Fahrenheit.

Photo of the trout eggs after 46 days.

Here’s a photo of the trout eggs after 46 days.  We have 4 hatch lings , and more are coming.  It’s hard to see but you can make out the brown spots. those are hatched trout.  The eggs you can kind of see the eye spot on them . The eggs are slightly red to …

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Water Resources and Economic Development.

Dear Streamflow Supporters – Thank you for your support of statewide streamflow regulations.  I anticipated that I would not contact this distribution list until April at which time we would have a final draft of the proposed state regulations.  Unfortunately I need your help immediately.   Next Thursday, February 24th, the Commerce Committee will be …

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