Category: Conservation

River Conservation

41 inch Housatonic River Pike

  41in housy pike good start today Caught by our friend, Ed Forster

aquariumOutdoor Aquarium Water Chiller.

[hgallery3 id=”926,927,930,943,945″ render=”smoothgallery”] Aquarium water chiller unit installed outdoors. Using scraped ice from a local ice rink and the cold outside temperatures to regulate the tank water to 50-52 degrees Fahrenheit.

Iroquois Gas Pipeline Public Saftey Notice.

Photo of the trout eggs after 46 days.

Here’s a photo of the trout eggs after 46 days.  We have 4 hatch lings , and more are coming.  It’s hard to see but you can make out the brown spots. those are hatched trout.  The eggs you can kind of see the eye spot on them . The eggs are slightly red to …

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Hunting & Fishing Appreciation Day

Hope to see you Saturday! The weather is supposed to be great. More Info – How to Get There – Presentations – Activities – Guests and Cooperators – Frequently Asked Questions This FREE, day-long event will feature many outdoor-related activities and demonstrations.  Activities for all ages are planned, along with interesting programs and workshops about …

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