Links to Shelter Ridge Drawings and Artist’s Rendition

These are the first Set of drawings : Shelter Ridge Plans

And from the designers : architect’s rendition

and a map of the area in 1893 

Naugatuck River Plan DRAFT for Public Comment

The Plan to Restore Diadromous Fishes to the Naugatuck River Watershed


Eagles Nest Along The Housatonic River

Along the Housatonic River in Shelton reside a pair of Bald Eagles evident by the huge nest they’ve built. 

Click here for more information on Bald Eagles in Connecticut.

Cleanup at the “Swimming Hole” on the Far Mill river

Common Ground Fishing Club’s Annual Outting


This fall’s version of fishing club!

It was a delightful fall morning for the outing. Everyone caught fish, probably had a per person of about 8 fish! No really big ones, but lots of fun. A shout out to Victor for picking up a bunch of students at school this morning and to Carla who assisted with removing fish hooks from fish and attaching worms. Finally a really big shout out to Mr. Edgeworth (ex CG teacher) who continues to support fishing club with his personal time and supplies equipment and the worms!

Garden Flight 0818