Good Conditions on Opening Day of Trout Season.

Good Conditions on Opening Day for Trout Season.

The morning started at 6:00 am sharp on the banks of the Farmill River below the Mean’s Brook confluence. A light rain and cool temperatures coupled with a slight breeze did not dampen the spirits, which reflected with the bare trees and lightening sky off  the smooth glassy surface of the river water  gliding by.  The water is low and current moderate the water crystal clear in spots.

Along the stretch of river around location 41.28686, -73.13668,  the water was smooth with a moderate current.  The  water temperature was in the low 50° Fahrenheit range and visibility under the surface  was low, the water being slightly muddy.

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The overall conditions were excellent  for trout hunting resulting in multiple catches of both Brown and Rainbow Trout with one Brookie mixed in.  Also caught were several  Fallfish, one Pickerel and a 2.5 ft  Eel.fallfish2

All fish caught were released back into the river.