Category: rivers

Fauna Along the Banks of Shady Brook.

Happy New Year!

Some of Shelton/Huntington’s history along the banks of the Farmill River in 2016.

End of the year Trout fishing along the Farmington River

Catching fish in Winter It is true that trout love cold waters, but even trout get a little sluggish as temperatures drop. They are most active in water temps around 55 ° F, so last weekend, December 13th 2015, the water was a little cold, (50 ° F), and the fish didn’t start to get …

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Beaver Dam Construction in Full Swing.

A strong beaver population along the length of the river changes the water flow significantly. More information on beavers in Connecticut is here.

Caught on Moon Age 3

Taking advantage of the mild temperatures and getting out on the rivers enjoying the late season fresh-water angling.