Category: Fishing

Fishing the Farmill River

Various Areas to fish for Trout along the Farmill River

Herring in the Farmill River.

On Sunday I was fishing the Farmill, and my last stop was the section down near Rt 110. I caught several nice rainbow and brown trout, but even more exciting, was the sight of thousands of herring swimming up the entire southern stretch of the Farmill river. The herring are in the river spawning, and …

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Trout Unlimited Fishing Maps

The Nutmeg Chapter of Trout Unlimited has  good reference material on local trout fishing on their website : 

CGHS Fishing Club Opens the Season with Success.

The Common Grounds High School (New Haven) Fishing Club starts the Connecticut fresh water fishing season with a successful day fishing the waters of Trumbull.  Photos are by teacher and friend Mel Morales.  We recommend a visit to Mel’s photo portfolio at :

Good Conditions on Opening Day of Trout Season.

Good Conditions on Opening Day for Trout Season. The morning started at 6:00 am sharp on the banks of the Farmill River below the Mean’s Brook confluence. A light rain and cool temperatures coupled with a slight breeze did not dampen the spirits, which reflected with the bare trees and lightening sky off  the smooth …

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